So I've started packing! Argh! Its that close!!! I have reconfirmed my flight as advised to by Ryaniair! Good thing I did, I had the time wrong!!!
Its sooo weird trying to pack for 6 months, really it is. I've never done this, I've lived away from home and here I am about to leave the country for 6 months. What have I got myself in for?
Well so far with the packing its going well. I have one which I will live out of for the first two days as I'm staying in a hostel, thats the small one in front. The second is all the big stuff. Then my carry on is going to have all my reading material which I will post about later!
Its strange to try and pack your life away. I have a friend who told me he cry's everytime he packs. Now for someone who was raised camping, thats strange cause that would involve me crying every weekend for the summer!!!
thats what this is. I dont want to pack. I hate packing always have cause i never know what to pack. My lunch was really long today and I think I offered my dad coffee and cake just to delay me having to go back to packing!
I am leaving
I am not regretting taking this opportunity, but I just hate packing, now where do I find a good man servant at short notice :P
Okay I better get back to it before someone notices I'm blogging again....