Wednesday 16 January 2008

Illness strikes

One of the boys came down with something last night so had today off School, so I had company today not that I was much good as I konked out when I cam back from doing the school run.

After school things went from bad to worse, everyone (me and the boys) was in bad form and I had to fight for them to do anything, this made me worse. I apologised to the boys before they went to bed. One was very understanding, the other suggested I drive home!!! That put a smile on my face!

The cause of it all? Well partailly I Am Legend, I am sleeping badly since I saw it, it scared the bejayus out of me and Im homesick!

So I miss cork and everyone there. I miss my parenst and family (even the extended one :P). I miss my friends, who are great and have been keeping in contact on bebo msn and facebook.

So to cure this before going on the net (the father was on it) I watched part of Ice Age 2 and that always cheers me up! :D

So all is well again do I did tear up when I was typing who I missed maxbe I will be better tomorrow.

AN update on the washing, no colours ran, but have two odd socks already!!!