Wednesday 30 January 2008

Kölle Alaaf (Long live Cologne!) and Photos!

Well this is probably my last post till after Karneval! I dont forsee me having much of an opportunity to blog between now and next tuesday!

Tomorrow is the start of it all with the boys dressing up for school. The boys have decreed that I too must dress up as I will look odd if i dont! The plans for after school is weather dependent. We might go to an outdoor party if the weather is good, if not I will be wandsering around cologne dressed as a sailor! Woo!

I finally uploaded more photos to my facebook profile. The pictures were all taken on saturday night (i think).

I hope everyone is well and thinking of what to give up for lent! I will be too hungover to notice lent i think! The boys are actually off School till next wedeasnay, so normal service should resume then!