Friday 11 January 2008

Day 5: Sick no longer, getting into the Routine and Karneval!

Guten Tag!!

I have gotten over a headcold that nearly had me in bed for the day on Wednesday but all is well again! (Thank you panadol cold and flu!) Things are flying over here and I have the boys moving like a well oiled military maching in the mornings to be out the door at 7:15am!

The boys have a sleepover tomorrow night in a cousin's house in Essen, so I am free for saturday evening and I believe I will be having fondou for the first time!

Tonight I am going to a toytowngermany meetup in Köln. If you are an english speaker in Köln come join us!

Karneval is coming up now, well the climax of it, which kicks off on the 31st of January! We are discussing costumes and the boys want to be elephants, we are not sure! When I arrived in Köln on my walk around on saturday I found a large shop that sold costumes I am told there is a bigger one out near Ikea! (I'm getting my halloween costume early this year!! :P)

Some links on Karneval:

The "fifth season of the year" as Carnival is called, begins on November 11th at 11:11 AM. But the "crazy days" start on so-called Weiberfastnacht, the Thursday before Rosenmontag (Carnival Monday). In the public squares and streets, the "crazy days" of Carnival are greeted with great indoor and street celebrations. The closing times for pubs and bars are suspended for the duration of the festival.

A typical day
I have definatley gotten´into the routine. Up at 6:30, breakfast then leave the house at 7:15, get the 7:30 tram to Röttgensweg and walk the boys to the school. Back to the tram. Stop in the kiosk for a drink, choclate (sometimes I go to the bakery for a cake!) then back in the house for 8:30! Then I do a mix of following, clean, play the Wii, watch TV(in german i don't have a clue what be going on!), go online, sleep, or read. Then at 12:30 I set out for the school to collect the boys at 13:15. Back home for dinner, then they do their homework, practise their music and feed their rabbits! Then it is playtime until 18:30/19:00 then it is Tea time and bed at 20:00 at the latest and I am free again!

Okay thats enough for now I think!

Danke for reading and Tschuess