Tuesday 29 January 2008

Karneval! This blog(ger?) may suffer....

So its two sleeps to the start of Karneval im all excited!! Its going to be great fun and I am full of plans, none of which are confirmed cause people seams to be chopping and changing what they are doing.

I got the final bits for my costume today so I am all sorted on that front. Over the weekend I was told if you step outside your door over Karneval and you are not dressed up it is you who will stick out!!!!

I got to sleep in today and it was great. I basically have a day off as the father is home but the mother is working. One of the boys is at a birthday party the other is at music lessons so its an easy day for me.

Now the other half of the blog title. I kinda started two new series of posts over of my political blog (where the spelling is better according to my Mum!). One on the Treaty of Lisbon, the other on German Politcs. Have a sconce if you are anyway interested!