I know I'm early but here is a post praising that wonderful person who is my Mammy. She has technically cancelled Mothers Day as its a BIG birthday soon but more on that next week! She'll kill me for calling her "Mammy", but it is a for a competition!
My Mammy is a true Cork Mammy, not only does she mother me but she will mother any of my friends that visit by feeding them! Shes is fabulous. She is even managing to Mammy me when I am over 1,000KM away. Only a Cork Mammy can do that.
She sends me packages regualarly with the Pheonix in it or books to keep me in reading materials. She rings when she can, though it costs a fortune.
To sum her up in one word is impossible!
She is: kind, accepting, funny (she regularly sends me dirty jokes by email and text), loving, patient (though I do test it to the max) among many other adjectives that have fled from my mind.
I will never forget her reaction when I came out to her. But she is so accepting now of me, any friends I bring home (whether I am linked romantically to them or not! and she will always ask that! :P) and where I go.
My Cork Mammy, is an inspiration to me. It is because of her I love reading, music, history and languages. To say she is 'hip' is an understatement, she is completely 'with it'! I suppose it helps having two kids who will include her in everything, even at times when we think she is nosey!
My Cork Mammy lends me clothes when I am doing drag for Macra Na Feirme!
All in all, I dont know where I would be without my Cork Mammy.
Happy Mother's Day Mum! I miss you!