Thursday 7 February 2008

Karneval: photos

Okay so i finally uplodaed photos from Karneval.

Weiberfastnacht, Thursday 31st of January
Karneval Samstag, Saturday 2nd of February
Rosemontag Part 1, Monday 4th of February
Rosenmontag Part 2, Monday 4th of February

I could write all day about what happened at Karneval but I think the pictures tell the story. I did take videos but I have no software that I can understand to edit it, so will have to wait till Im back in Ireland for them!

Needless to say I WILL be back for Karneval. It was crazy different and exciting. I met people from all over the world (Ukraine to Canada!) and have made good friends.

Anyone who says the Irish are crazy has not been to Köln for Karneval!!!