Tuesday 27 November 2007

Organisations I will Join in Germany

I am currently recovering from Young Fine Gael National Conference, but thats a different story. At the weekend I met Joe again and he was asking me will i be joing the two organisations I will tell you about now!


The Junge Union of Germany is the federal association of the Jungen Union, the independent youth organisation of CDU (Christian-democratic Union) and CSU (Christian-social Union) of Bavaria. The Junge Union covers all of Germany and is organised in 18 regional associations (Landesverbände), 37 district associations (Bezirksverbände) and 466 local associations (Kreisverbände). Over a thousand local groups in villages, towns, cities and city districts make it easy to enter political work at the grass roots level.

This is YFG's sister party in Germany and I will certainly be joining a Kreisverbände in Koln!

2. Die Lesben und Schwulen in der Union

The LGBT Section of the CDU! Might as well join the CDU also!

3. Christlich Demokratischen Union Deutschlands

Sure why not!

This list may be updated!