Tuesday 13 November 2007

Guten Tag!

Hello there and welcome to my Blog Stephen Goes to Germany. Basically this blog is about the trails and tribulations of me, Stephen, leaving Ireland and going to Germany for 6 months to, wait for it, be an au pair!!!!

Now its not very often you here of a Male Au Pair let alone a blogging one!

On the Fourth of January 2008 I shall be leaving the Emerald Isle and jetting off to Koln (Cologne is the Anglicised spelling of it) to be the Au Pair for twin 8 year old boys.

The fun part at the moment is preparing for the move, trying to finish at work, learning German, (its a bitch of a language) and sorting out my documents.

Travelling there is turning in to a bitch. The only flights to the area of Germany I am going to is from Farranfore in Kerry! so therefore i have to get transport to there, luckly my parents are great and want to wave me off so thats easy.

Now as im flying Ryanair, im flying into Frankfurt-Hahn which is two hours away from Koln! The joys of it!!!

Now I start work on the 6th of January as the family are on a skiing holiday so will have two days wondering around, and meeting with my one and only friend in Koln! Well at least I have a friend there!

Well thats all for now! Stay tuned for updates and my attempts at the German Language! any questions just leave em as a comment!